Jan 14, 2023

Welcome back to the podcast today so I wanted to talk about a new endeavour that I’ve taken on yesterday I started it yesterday on January 11 75 hard so this is 80 for zealous program where is there a program you do it it is you drink a gallon water stick to a healthy diet and workout twice a day at least 45 minutes one of them has to be outside read 10 pages of a book of a nonfiction good book like something to learn from her what else I think that’s it anyways I made a missed one but so I started this program for oh yeah that was it so I start this program for Mosie for them the mindset piece of this in a bit of a slump right now we are kind of in limbo and we’re trying to figure out what the next step is and I’m like you know what I need some the ground so this it will pay off physically without a doubt I’ll probably lose I’m gonna say I’m gonna lose 15 pounds in certain five days for sure and you can you can call me on that I think that’s true but I think the piece that’s gonna be the biggest payoff is going to be what it’s gonna do to my mind because right now it’s it’s pretty easy because it’s a new thing and it’s fun and I get up at 5:30 alarm goes off a mop that hasn’t happened in a while I’m pretty been pretty good I hit the snooze an alarm goes off I’m at 5:30 and immediately drink Saul a gallon of water Canadiens 4 L 16 cups immediately down to 2 cups of water I’ve also drink too much coffee probably so I’m in the bathroom so much that I just told you this much coffee cause I don’t wanna go pee that much and then I’m right into a workout so I’m done my workout by 6:30 and 630 I’ve had another four glasses of water and then a journal and I read and I get some work done usually so by the time 8 o’clock rolls around and we’re here and I’m colour I’m working on this online stuff so I got my own schedule so time 11 o’clock rolls around a lot I go for I do some work with the kids they have breakfast Tamlyn o’clock rolls around 10 o’clock I’m off my run and I go for a run outside just to two days in certain things that it’s but loses its I’m pretty sad about it and then back and I have my first meal 11 so I’m doing that intermittent fasting thing right now which of them before which usually feels really good the other thing the diet piece of the salt whatever I’ve tried to like clean up my diet when it gets a little a little ridiculous I’ll always be like I’m not gonna eat sugar or not and eat carbs or and I go on and on so what I’ve done this and it’s not like I said only two days but it feels like it’s going to be pretty powerful is I just cited for 75 days they’ll be some leeway here and there but that I’m only going to eat so breakfast is like five or six eggs a slice or two of sourdough bread some blueberries frozen or fresh of whatever got in a banana and maybe some dates but like within that that’s all I’m having and so there’s and then for lunch that’s my first meal 11 I’ll have a smoothie and then for dinner it’s a little bit of rice or quinoa like a cup and a pound of meat can we say chicken after dinner if I still want something Nick bear showed me this which is like protein with a little bit of a protein powder with a little bit of water milk and then you mix it in the like putting bananas fruit nearest monies Casey’s be a bother to throw in a toppings and that’s a really good healthy snack that you enough protein of the sugar but I’m done eating I like o’clock so I’ll I love this idea I’ve never actually been excited or like give up sugar in this diet I’m giving up like process sugars but I was talking to Christie today about like there’s so much variety so like in my in my eggs in my egg breakfast I can do scrambled eggs or I could do them or brother I could do them over easy or I can make a sandwich Zardo like I could add a little bit onion and some spinach I could add garlic I could add I don’t know chilli powder a few like leeways you can have but you can basically eat the same thing every day for Friday to throw the cheese on some sharp all they are all done nicely age do you don’t like there’s so many things you could do breakfast if you didn’t wanna have like the sourdough bread you could like make a bracelet our kids love that rice mix the eggs in with it so I’m just I don’t know eating healthy and eating the same food every day doesn’t have the same every day that’s what I’m actually really sad about about starting this is not like I’m giving up the thing that I don’t want to eat but I’m not doing it by saying I’m not eating it I’m doing it by deciding what I’m eating and when and I think so last night I’m a part of this just think I’ll apogee strong with Matt Beaudreau who he’s a killer an absolute killer is an amazing individual and I and Tim Kennedy and the other Apogee schools are doing like this men’s program tons of amazing dudes on there and I were talking last night on a group called a time management and I think I like my breakfast from when I got into the kitchen till when I was done everything was cleaned out was 20 minutes for like a really healthy and that’s cooking fresh eggs right like it’s my my second meal is a shake for one minute and then I cooked all my a whole bunch of ground beef on Sunday night and put in the fridge and freezer and I just have to warm it up like all these meals are like 10 feet like actually 10 1520 minutes to be done and cleaned up your time super great this is kind of leading in an hour time is it is I think Becca Jones who hurt her and John run them the murder mild Mid State Mile in the Tennessee Mile to race is at her parents property which the amazing race is check amounts coming up in June I’m signed up for the murder Mile which is the last man standing off on tangents all over the place here today but she’s done she’s in a second round of 75 hard and when I message her about it just saying like way to go good job asked her a little bit about it think about doing it and she’s like the biggest piece about it is time management its forces you to plan your day and last night on the Culver time or time is but just even some of the simple things like I’m sure your unsubscribe to emails and likely she lay out what you’re gonna do in the morning the night before right so my my clothes are laid out that like the areas right I’m gonna work out and I fill up my water bottle put salt in it you should if you’re drinking that much water everybody can we just everyone know you said minerals to Salt Lake you should be something your water Gary Brackett Brekke Becca Bracha he’s got a great video on how to saltwater I’m gonna length time management 75 hard as much as people think it’s a physical challenge I listen to Andy talk about it and it’s as much as it is a physical challenge it’s a mental challenge not to miss a day nothing is a work out not to miss one of the things you’re supposed to do in this program and I’m a part of it for the mental challenge in up secondarily for the time management piece and the physical benefits just a byproduct of all that song that’s it for today wish me luck on the 75 I’m taking some videos of it I’m gonna try and actually do a proper entertaining YouTube YouTube video on my 75 archery took some amazing before face man isn’t that always find a take a before picture be like yup that wind up being a gray before picture so that’s it for today love you guys thank you guys for two and then we will see you next one

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