My Gratitude Routine!!!

brain health Dec 17, 2022

Gratitude is sometime that is missing from most of our lives.  I think we could all agree that we could be more grateful.  Today I’m going to talk about the benefits of practicing gratitude and practical ways to be more grateful.

Something we talk about the physical things we can do to influence the way we feel.  Here at Breathe 911 we love ice baths, controlled breathing, running and anything else we can DO to improve our mental and physical health.  

Well I’m going to add 1 more thing we can do but I bet most of us won’t be able to stick with it.  I’m grouping myself in that category by the way.  

I’ve had a long on and off relationship with journalling and expressing gratitude physically on paper.  I can tell you when I do practice it my life is better.  I can also tell you is takes less than 2 minutes.  For me that’s probably the thing that gets me.  How can something so simple that takes so little time be so beneficial.  Well the science speaks for itself and anecdotally my experience validates it.  

A 2018 study shows the individual benefits of practicing gratitude:

Benefits of gratitude.  

  1. Increase in overall happiness and mood
  2. Reduces inflammation 
  3. Improved sleep both quantity and quality 

I’ve chosen 3 benefits found in the study.  There are many more and I know them first hand.  It’s hard to be as upset with a situation or specific person when you’ve chosen to start your day off by deciding that there are good things in your life.  

What my gratitude looks like.  It’s pretty simple.  Get a journal or even just a piece of paper.  Write: 




This is the one I use:

Then fill in the blanks. Can be anything but should be specific.  

It can be:

The sunrise

Your kids

A conversation you had

The fact that you worked out today

Your house

Your dog

A friend 

How your dinner tasted

Pick 3 for today and take an extra minute to close your eyes and actually feel grateful for them.  Then do it again tomorrow.  I always find that picking a specific time and place to do it makes it easier.  

This is a pretty simple method that does’t take much time and can be done in private, you don’t have to sweat, or work hard physically.  We can’t do all things all the time but this is one thing we can do that I promise will improve you life.  

Welcome to Breathe 911.  You belong here.  Please send me an email to connect, to chat, to tell me you story or if you have any questions.  I’d love to hear from you.  [email protected] 

Or connect with me on Instagram - Breathe 911 - IG

If you need resources or would like to learn more check out the rest of the site.

I’d love to hook you up with my free Breathe/Hydrate/Sleep guide which is a great starting point for you to start taking control of you health and your life.

You can get that here:




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